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Science can be a great opportunity to learn through hands-on experience and finding out about the world for themselves.

Science explains so much of the world around us and is vital to so many careers in modern life. A good understanding of Science encourages problem-solving and questioning as to why things happen. Engineering, Product Design, Medicine and App Building are just a few of the roles in which science skills and knowledge are fundamental and Grace Cook  encourages children to aspire to roles that require the skills base they learn and develop in subjects such as Science.

Children will explore a wide range of science topics at Grace Cook, all of which encourage them to work scientifically to answer scientific questions. They will observe changes over time, take measurements, use laboratory apparatus, notice patterns, group and classify things, record their results and look for relationships as well as making predictions and presenting their findings to develop their understanding and knowledge in the subject.

As with many of our subjects, we actively encourage a cross curricular learning environment, drawing on skills from reading, writing and mathematics to develop and enhance our children’s learning and appreciation of the subject.

Grace Cooks' science curriculum is built around the principles of cumulative knowledge with an emphasis on how content is connected, and relational knowledge is acquired. The curriculum is planned sequentially and cumulatively from Year 1 through to Year 6 ensuring that important subject knowledge and skills are revisited with increasing levels of challenge and provides opportunities for pupils to apply and develop their subject vocabulary confidently.

We are very fortunate to have a range of habitat near our school grounds such as woodland areas and a thriving nature pond area. The children are also able to utilise and secure this knowledge through exploration during local trips, with particular focus on plants and living things and their habitats.

By creating exciting, rich and engaging learning activities that enable our children to become actively engaged in science and the world of scientific enquiry we build pupils’ curiosity in the world around them